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reconstruction |
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1406.06.10 |
Authorization of canal: from the Noordkade to the city of Leiden; with two bridges with sluices |
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1417.08.12 |
Authorization for a culvert with a sluis or gate (scotdoer) to go under the Delft (a canal) so that the peatland between Hillegommerbeek and the Delft can drain into the low peatland. The water above, in the Delft, shall run unhindered toward the Haarlemmermeer, while the culvert underneath shall remain open between sinte Bertijns misse and sinte Pieters misse afterwhich it shall be closed. Similarly each year on 8 May the culvert gate will stand open as well as other times of the year, as long as no one else is damaged by it. And the scout and heemraden of Lisse shall inspect the new dike on the north side of the Delft and the waterschap of the Delft with the new culvert, with those in the peatland benefitting from the culvert bearing the costs of maintenance. Further, the Hillegommerweg which runs along the beek up to the woods (in the dunes?) shall remain closed (i.e., the embankment on which the path lies shall not be breached) so that external water will not flow onto the peatland in question. And the three bridges over the Lisserbeek which belong to Noorwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout shall be removed and not rebuilt as long as that is best for the larger generality. For all of this, the peatlands shall pay morgengeld just like all the other lands of Rijnland. |
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1421.05.25 |
Permission to take dirt that is closest and best for work needing to be done, and anyone who opposes this shall be dealt with as the heemraden see fit. |
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1421-1434 |
How the Woerdersluis at Spaarndam is to be maintained: specifications, etc. |
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1422.06.24 |
Ordered the residents of Tetrode and Albrechtsberg to make 20 roeden (rods) of the Nieuwendijk at Spaarnwoude one roede wide and as high as the heemraden shall indicate, and they shall complete this between now and next St. Mary Magdalene day on pain of the highest fine, that is to say twice 70 lb. |
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1423.04.13 |
Ordered the village of Aalsmeer to send 100 men with the necessary boats and equipment (including hosen, graven, and forken) to close the dike breach at Spaarnwoude and bring the dike up to such strength as to prevent future flooding. They are ordered to appear on the next Sunday evening (19 April) or Monday morning (April 20) before sunrise at the breach with all their tools and equipment. |
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1424.12.09 |
Ordered that the Hoge Rijndijk be widened by a foot at the top and two feet at the base. In addition, the entire length is to be raised by a foot above the current highest parts and all breaches filled to full dimensions as stipulated. The work is to be done before the next Christmas eve, and all are to be at work on the next Tuesday. Failure to comply to be subject to a fine of 10 lb. And the dams that lie in front of the sluices are to be enlarged to one foot higher than the sluice doors themselves. |
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1425.00.00 |
Ordered Hofambocht to reconstruct the road that runs from Heynric Baertsz. buitendijks onto the Nieuwendijk as wide as necessary so that it can accomodate wagons with a good load, and it shall be as high as the outer edg of the Nieuwendijk and shall be completed by 24 June (sinte Jans dach te midsomer). |
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1425.06.24 |
Ordered that the Hoge Rijndijk should lie two feet from the bank or the Rijn. It should be nine feet wide at the base and six feet on top, and rise to seven feet above the water. The work must be completed before August 15 (Assumptio S. Marie) and be inspected two days later. |
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1429.00.00 |
Order reconstruction of the Rijndijk to its proper specivications by the St. John's inspection (i.e., Tuesday after St. John the Baptist, 24June). |
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1429.00.00 |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Zwammerdam: the Land of Woerden for one half and Rijnland for the other, with Nieuwkoop doing the earthwork. |
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1429.00.00 |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Molenaarsbrug or Heimansbrug in Alphen-Oudshoorn, split evenly between the Land of Woerden and Rijnland. |
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1429.00.00 |
Maintenance responsibilities for the Does, Zijl, and Klein bridges |
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1430.01.13 |
Concerning the reconstruction of the Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. Had previously asked if anyone was willing to take on the task for a good financial reward., but no one came forward. Now, Jan Allertszoon, priest and vice curate at Spaarnwoude, with some friends, will take up the task of restoring a section of 15 roeden and 1 foot, for which the hoogheemraden agree to pay 7 nobels per roede. After thinking about it for 14 days and both secretly and publically trying to find others who might do it for less, the hoogheemraden now have agreed. Priest Jan and associates will rebuild the dike to proper specifications. The city of Haarlem offered advice and consent in this matter. |
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1432.00.00 |
Permission for Leiderdorp to raise the road near Leiden |
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1434.00.00 |
How the Gouwesluis is to be reconstructed and maintained.. |
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1434.05.00 |
Testimony in a dispute taken by heemraad Meynert Claeszoon concerning the priest Jan Allertsz. of Spaarnwoude who was charged with using more land for the church than he was authorized to use. In early 1430, priest Jan and associates had agreed to rebuild the badly damaged Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. |
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1435.00.00 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Heimansbrug. |
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1440.04.01 |
Order the construction/reconstruction of the embankment between Zoeterwoude and the Zoetermeer. |
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1440.06.28 |
Order Voorschoten to repair the breach in its ommedijk that Reyner marked with a pole, etc. |
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1440.10.04 |
Permission for Leiderdorp to lease out their kadijk to three or four men who will reconstruct it as they see fit; those protected by it will pay the costs. |
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1441.10.03 |
Order the repair of the overtocht (inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) at the grote slius at Spaarndam. |
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1443.03.13 |
Order Zoeterwoude and Voorschoten to repair the dike breach at Stompwijk (presumably along the Zoetermeer). |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for repair of the Alkemadersluis |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Haarlemmersluis in the Spaarndam. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Grote Sluis in the Spaarndam. |
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1443.05.19 |
Specifications for reconstruction of a road or dike called the Wagenweg with dirt to be taken from the Droen. |
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1443.05.19 |
Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond. |
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1444.03.04 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Zijlsluis and the Zijlbrug, both in bad condition, to be completed by the middle of May. |
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1444.03.17 |
Specifications for rebuilding of the Alphen sluice in the Spaarndam |
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1444.05.05 |
Order repair/reconstruction of the Schinkeldijk to same height as the dike at Koudekerk. |
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1445.04.05 |
Specifications for reconstruction of the Kleine Zijlbrug |
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1445.10.05 |
Permission for Zoeterwoude and Benthuizen to renew a footbridge (kwakelbrug) on the condition that it be the same as the original. |
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1446.02.22 |
Commend Jan van Haarlem, shout of Spaarndam, for repairing (repairing the shoring, adding dirt and fencing it off) the piece of dike between the Kolksluis (Grotesluis) and his dwelling, at his own cost, but he is not to do any further building on the site. |
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1446.02.27 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen |
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1446.10.04 |
Some decisions in a long-standing dispute between the small villages along the Gouwe and Alphen concerning the maintenance of the Gouwe sluice at Alphen. It was put in order in this year as described, and it was concluded that, for the moment, this is probably the best way to continue doing it. |
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1447.00.00 |
Order the Kerksloot near Haarlem to be restored to one roede wide and as deep as is thought necessary. |
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1448.02.27 |
Permission for Zuidwijk [Wassenaar] to narrow the distance between bridgeheads of a bridge over the Kersch (Kaswetering?) from 10 feet to 8 feet. |
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1448.05.06 |
Permission for Lodewijc van Montfoorde, lord of Hazerswoude, to regulate usage and maintenance of a canal and bridge in Hazerswoude. All who drain through it will pay their share in Rijnlands assessments. |
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1449.11.18 |
Probit the removal of dirt set aside for raising the Spaarndam or for other hydraulic matters without indicating so to the hhraden or one of their assistants. |
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1453.01.15 |
In the presence of the representatives of the villages between Amsterdam and Spaarndam, the hoogheemraden ordered the closing of all dikes along the Spaarndammerdijk, with the costs to be spread over the affected villages in proportion to their areas. |
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1453.01.15 |
Residents of all villages along the Spaarndammerdijk, between Spaarndam and Amsterdam, must appear at the dike on 8 February to have their prescribed maintenance work in closing the dike breaks assigned to them. |
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1453.01.15 |
Permission to the Carthusians of Amsterdam to close a breach in the dike near their monastery with dirt from their own lands without help from others. By agreement of the ambachten, the Carthusians are exempt this time from having to contribute to dike work elsewhere. No legal precedent (recht) will be established in this decision. |
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1453.01.15 |
Permission for Spaarnwoude, Hofambacht, and Houtrijk, because of their remote location and difficulty for others to get there, to close the waal at Houtrijk by themselves, without the others usually responsible for maintenance there. Sloten and Osdorp allowed the same for walen in their territories. They must not stop work until it is competed. Because it will be difficult for the poor to meet their obligations, the hoogheemraden have generously give 70 gulden (of 10 plaken-worth), half to go to Spaarnwoude, Hofambacht, and Houtrijk, and half to Sloten and Osdorp. |
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1453.01.15 |
Hoogheemraden decide that Willem van Alcmade and Jan van Poelgeest will keep an accounting of all the expenses incurred in the repair and reconstruction of the Zeedijk. Later, these costs will be spread proportionally over all of Rijnland. |
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1453.05.08 |
Order construction of a protective door in front of all the sluices at Spaarndam, that can be raised and lowered with a block and tackle, to protect the sluices from damage by waves. |
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1453.10.17 |
Permission for schout and local heemraden of Alphen to order the repair and closing of kaden which often have been left to lie open during the winter. |
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1456.05.04 |
Order the old Breetsloot, a ditch or canal somewhere around Haarlem, be restored to its old use and condition. |
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1457.03.17 |
Invitation for contracts with specifications for the rebuilding of the Aalsmeer [Hazerswoude, Sassenheim, and Randenburg] sluice and the Noordwijk [Aarlanderveen, Zegwaard, and Zoetermeer] sluis. The final section, describing how some work was not done to specification on the Aalsmeer sluice may actually date to the required completion, St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). See also next item which seems to approve of the work order for the Noordwijk sluice. |
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1457.05.03 |
Order the rerouting and repair of the Heerweg near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes. |
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1457.05.03 |
Order rerouting and repair of the road (Heerweg) near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes. |
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1457.05.03 |
Order rerouting, repair, and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) of the Heerweg near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes. |
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1457.08.25 |
Hoogheemraden approve the reconstruction work done to the Noordwijk sluice at Spaarndam according to the specifications and contract issued on 17 March of this year. |
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1458.03.14 |
Specifications for the reconstruction of the Alkmade [Oegstgeest, Lisse, Voorhout, Vennep, and Splinters Ambacht] sluice, to be completed by St. Bartholomew's day (25 August). Adriaen Ghysbrecht and Engebrecht Pieterszoon took on the contract for 685 lb., with Gerijt Rijswijck, Willem vander Does, Florijs Janszoon van Tol, and Ysbrant Symonszoon standing as surety for them, with Zeger Staeszoon as carpenter. |
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1458.03.14 |
Offer a contract for repairs to the Riedwijk and Nieuwerkerk sluice. Clais Dircxzoon van Schoerl agreed to do the work, to be completed by St. Bartholmew's day (25 August). |
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1460.02.26 |
Order the restoration of the Rijndijk along both banks to be maintained at minimally 18 roede feet wide, and all plantings that have impinged on this width must be removed. Reiteration of earlier orders. |
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1460.02.26 |
Order repairs to the Rijndijk embankment that has been badly damaged by illegal wagon traffic. |
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1460.02.26 |
Authorization for Dirc Hoochstraet to maintain the Lage brug (Low Bridge) in Waddinxveen with dirt and wood provided at his own expense at sufficient height for peat and other materials to be transported under it. |
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1460.03.20 |
Invitation of bids to rebuild the Gouwesluis, with specifications for the work. Claes van Schoorle took up the contract for 382 lb. (15 placken per lb.). Payment to be made on 1 November (Allerheiligendag), persumably the completion date. |
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1469.02.28 |
Invitation for bids to repair the Haarlemmersluis (Koudekerk, 'sBurchgravenveen, Heer Dirks Ambacht van Zuidwijk, Middelburch, Benthuizen, and Valkenburg) with specifications for the work. Clais Dircxzoon van Schoerl took on the work for 719 lb., with Pieter Dirxzoon and Jan Gerijtszoon standing surety for him. |
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1469.05.02 |
Invitation to tender offers for reconstruction of the Riedwijk, Vriesekoop, Ter Aar, Schoot, Albrechts Vierendeel van Bosch, and Outshoorn sluice and the Alphen, Leiderdorp, Warmond, Groenswaard, and Hillegom sluis, with specifications for the work to be done. Dirk Janszoon van der Hoerne took on the Riedwijk sluice for 582 lb., and Willem Reynerszoon took on the Alphen sluice for 598 lb. |
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1472.03.03 |
Order the repair of the sluices at Spaarndam before the St. Bartholomew's inspection (25 August). |
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1474.06.28 |
Permission for Govert Pieterszoon at Spaarndam to build a new house on the place where three very small houses had been burned down on condition that space for an alley (steeg) remains between the new house and existing house. |
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1477.12.29 |
Request that Amsterdam, Diemen, and Weesp consult with Rijnland on possibilities for coordinated action against dike breaks both north and east of Amsterdam. |
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1477.12.29 |
All residents between Spaarndam and Amsterdam are ordered to appear at their sections of the Zeedijk (Spaarndammerdijk) on 8 January to receive their assignments in dike repair and remain there until dismissed. |
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1477.12.29 |
Sloten to close waal at Pieter Cillen's wharf, Osdorp to close the waal at Gerijn Bruynen, and Spaarnwoude, Houtrijk, and Hofambacht to close the waal in Houtrijk behind Gogenct. They will do this without help from others because of the difficulty getting there. |
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1477.12.29 |
To close the walen, one man will appear for every 20 made of land, and every two men with a schuit, and each shall be properly equipped with spades, barrows, etc. as is necessary. The date to appear is 8 January. |
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1477.12.29 |
Because the hoogheemraden realize that the poor will have greatest difficulty in performing the repair work needed to close all walen, the former will help pay for excessive costs. |
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1477.12.29 |
All expenses that hoogheemraden incur while closing the walen in the Zeedijk will be distributed across the entire territory of Rijnland. |
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1479.03.02 |
Order Koudekerk and Alphen to maintain Hoge Rijndijk to specifications and not allow a narrowing of the channel itself. |
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1527.03.16 |
Settlement of dispute between Jan van Wijngarden and village officials of Zoeterwoude concerning maintenance of the road/dike between Lambrecht Jacobszoon northward to Koemanskerk. |