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flooding |
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1405.09.29 |
Copy (badly damaged) of a charter issued by Margaret of Cleves [Margaretha van Kleef] in which the ambachten of Sloten, Polanen and Osdorp, along with all ambachten between Amsterdam and the Spaarndam responsible for maintenance of the Spaarndammerdijk, must obey the keur calling for the common repair of dike breaks and prevent the formation of walen (deep washouts). |
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1405.10.05 |
Copy of an original charter issued by Duke Willem VI authorizing the bailiff (dijkgraaf) and heemraden of Rijnland to order all responsible for dike maintenance between Amsterdam and the Spaarndam to repair dike breaks to prevent the formation of walen along the Spaarndammerdijk |
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1422.00.00 |
Dijkgraaf and heemraden have inspected the damage to and suffering of the good people of Rijnland with respect to their hydraulic works because of warfare (especially south of the Rijn and along the Goude) and they now appoint special lower heemraden in the named ambachten to oversee the reconstruction and to issue keuren, orders, and commands to that effect as necessary. |
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1423.04.13 |
Ordered the village of Aalsmeer to send 100 men with the necessary boats and equipment (including hosen, graven, and forken) to close the dike breach at Spaarnwoude and bring the dike up to such strength as to prevent future flooding. They are ordered to appear on the next Sunday evening (19 April) or Monday morning (April 20) before sunrise at the breach with all their tools and equipment. |
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1426.00.00 |
Testimony taken in inquest done at Lisse into the matter of water being allowed to drain into Rijnland because several had dug through a dune at the request of the houtvesters -- possibly to relieve flooding. |
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1430.01.13 |
Concerning the reconstruction of the Kerkendijk at Spaarnwoude. Had previously asked if anyone was willing to take on the task for a good financial reward., but no one came forward. Now, Jan Allertszoon, priest and vice curate at Spaarnwoude, with some friends, will take up the task of restoring a section of 15 roeden and 1 foot, for which the hoogheemraden agree to pay 7 nobels per roede. After thinking about it for 14 days and both secretly and publically trying to find others who might do it for less, the hoogheemraden now have agreed. Priest Jan and associates will rebuild the dike to proper specifications. The city of Haarlem offered advice and consent in this matter. |
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1433.00.00 |
An investigation into a dispute between Rijnland and the city of Amsterdam whose merchants had breached the Overtoom (an overtocht or inclined plane with winch to lift a boat over a dike) in the Kostverloren wetering on the southwestern side of the city to facilitate the transport of some bags of wool. Both sides claimed to own the dike in question and each appealed to old charters granting them jurisdiction. In the end, the arbitrators sided with Rijnland. |
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1440.04.01 |
Order the construction/reconstruction of the embankment between Zoeterwoude and the Zoetermeer. |
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1443.03.13 |
Order Zoeterwoude and Voorschoten to repair the dike breach at Stompwijk (presumably along the Zoetermeer). |
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1444.02.24 |
Forgive some of the penninggeld due from Riedwijk and Nieuwerkerk because of the losses they have suffered from flooding by the lakes [Haarlemmermeer]. |
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1447.06.27 |
Verdict in the matter of Jan Boem, procurator of the Commanderij van Sint-Jan, in a dispute with the heemraden of Hogeveen concerning land they both claim. In the end, the hoogheemraden sided with Hogeveen. |
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1452.11.21 |
Hoogheemraden agree to summon witnesses to a hearing (dagvaarden) at Haarlem on 15 January 1453 to collect information and issue orders concerning how the breaches in the dike between Spaarndam and Amsterdam are to be closed. |
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1452.11.24 |
Because there were more breaches in the dikes near the Carthusian monastery and on the east side of the city, the hoogheemraden believed it necessary for those having authority for hydraulic mattes there to join Rijnland in common cause to close the breaches. Therefore they requested that the dijkgraaf of Rijnland, Aelbrecht van Raephorst, with the aldermen (schepenen) of Diemen and the schout and of Amstelveen (collectively the predecessors to Amstelland water board) to attend a hearing planned for 15 January 1453 at Haarlem. |
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1453.01.15 |
At a hearing at Haarlem on Monday, 15 January, the hoogheemraden ordered the closing of all dike breaches, both east and west of Amsterdam, as soon as possible, all at the same time, to be coordinated with the trustees of the water board Amstelland. An appended note said the work was to begin on the following Sunday |
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1453.01.15 |
In the presence of the representatives of the villages between Amsterdam and Spaarndam, the hoogheemraden ordered the closing of all dikes along the Spaarndammerdijk, with the costs to be spread over the affected villages in proportion to their areas. |
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1453.01.15 |
Residents of all villages along the Spaarndammerdijk, between Spaarndam and Amsterdam, must appear at the dike on 8 February to have their prescribed maintenance work in closing the dike breaks assigned to them. |
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1453.01.15 |
Permission to the Carthusians of Amsterdam to close a breach in the dike near their monastery with dirt from their own lands without help from others. By agreement of the ambachten, the Carthusians are exempt this time from having to contribute to dike work elsewhere. No legal precedent (recht) will be established in this decision. |
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1453.01.15 |
Permission for Spaarnwoude, Hofambacht, and Houtrijk, because of their remote location and difficulty for others to get there, to close the waal at Houtrijk by themselves, without the others usually responsible for maintenance there. Sloten and Osdorp allowed the same for walen in their territories. They must not stop work until it is competed. Because it will be difficult for the poor to meet their obligations, the hoogheemraden have generously give 70 gulden (of 10 plaken-worth), half to go to Spaarnwoude, Hofambacht, and Houtrijk, and half to Sloten and Osdorp. |
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1453.01.15 |
Hoogheemraden decide that Willem van Alcmade and Jan van Poelgeest will keep an accounting of all the expenses incurred in the repair and reconstruction of the Zeedijk. Later, these costs will be spread proportionally over all of Rijnland. |
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1456.04.06 |
Permission for Zoeterwoude to construct a dam in the canal that the residents of Stompwijk had made from the Brede weer on the Ommedijk because the residents of Zoeterwoude have suffered from too much water coming through the canal. |
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1456.05.04 |
Permission to keep the bridge in front of the Rijnsburgerpoort (Leiden) open. The regulars of (Maridn)poel and the brothers of St. Hieronymous (Lospen, Leiden) and others who live there may maintain the drain (verlaet) at their own cost on condition that they keep it closed whenever the water in the Oude Rijn is higher than the binnenwater so that no land gets flooded. |
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1457.05.03 |
Order the rerouting and repair of the Heerweg near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes. |
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1457.05.03 |
Order rerouting and repair of the road (Heerweg) near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes. |
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1457.05.03 |
Order rerouting, repair, and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) of the Heerweg near the church in Nieuwerkerk because of destruction by water of the lakes. |
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1458.02.28 |
Permission for a dam in a canal, dug by residents of Stompwijk through Zoeterwoude, to be removed because of the many damaged by it, with the understanding that those damaged by its removal have the right to seek compensation. |
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1460.02.26 |
Because of the damage that they can do to low-lying lands, windmills may be established only with the consent of the hoogheemraden, and all windmills already in place must be stopped until approved. |
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1477.12.29 |
Request that Amsterdam, Diemen, and Weesp consult with Rijnland on possibilities for coordinated action against dike breaks both north and east of Amsterdam. |
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1477.12.29 |
All residents between Spaarndam and Amsterdam are ordered to appear at their sections of the Zeedijk (Spaarndammerdijk) on 8 January to receive their assignments in dike repair and remain there until dismissed. |
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1477.12.29 |
Sloten to close waal at Pieter Cillen's wharf, Osdorp to close the waal at Gerijn Bruynen, and Spaarnwoude, Houtrijk, and Hofambacht to close the waal in Houtrijk behind Gogenct. They will do this without help from others because of the difficulty getting there. |
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1477.12.29 |
To close the walen, one man will appear for every 20 made of land, and every two men with a schuit, and each shall be properly equipped with spades, barrows, etc. as is necessary. The date to appear is 8 January. |
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1477.12.29 |
Because the hoogheemraden realize that the poor will have greatest difficulty in performing the repair work needed to close all walen, the former will help pay for excessive costs. |
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1477.12.29 |
All expenses that hoogheemraden incur while closing the walen in the Zeedijk will be distributed across the entire territory of Rijnland. |
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1478.06.30 |
The hoogheemraden issue a decision concerning compensation for dirt requisitioned for dike maintenance (aardhaling) and acknowledge that value of the land played a role in the amouts set. A list of individuals and amounts of aardgeld paid follows. |
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1525.09.14 |
Settlement of a dispute between the achterdorpen that drain into the IJssel and the commons of Rijnland over payment of levies and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen). |
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1525.09.14 |
Settlement of a dispute between the achterdorpen that drain into the IJssel and the commons of Rijnland over payment of levies and apportionment of maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen). |