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canals |
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1356.04.18 |
Copy of a charter of 1356 issued by Count Willem V that authorized construction of and established maintenance responsibilities for the Gouwesluis at Alphen. |
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1358.10.19 |
After negotiations, Jan of Blois, lord of Schoonhoven and Gouda restores the right of Alphen, Boskoop, Hazwerswoude, and Waddinxveen to have and maintain a canal between the Oude Rijn and the IJssel. Apparently, he had ordered it closed at some time earlier. |
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1361.01.04 |
Certified copy of a charter issued by Duke Albrecht giving permission to the residents of the polder on the eastside of the Gouwe at Alphen to construct a canal between the Oude Rijn and the IJssel, with rules for the naming of heemraden for schouwing the canal. |
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1399.08.30 |
Establishes a new waterschap, represented by a drainage canal with construction and maintenance duties assigned to it, in the wild peatland lying between Hazerswoude and Benthorn which will drain via the Benthuizerwetering through the ambacht of Hazerswoude into the Oude Rijn; the new water board shall have the right to issue keuren, carry out inspections, apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen), and levy fines as appropriate to the common good. |
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1400.06.24 |
Authorized Gerijt Willemsz. of Leiden to construct an embankment alongside the wetering large enough to accomodate the construction needed as part of maintenance. |
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1400.12.28 |
Regulation of the authority and manner of schouw, most likely of the Gouwe and/or its kaden. |
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1406.06.10 |
Authorization of canal: from the Noordkade to the city of Leiden; with two bridges with sluices |
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1410.00.00 |
Finding in favor of Trude Baven and Jan van Leiden and associates who hold land outside the Zijlpoort at Leiden -- they may use the bridge and canal as in the past. |
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1415.03.19 |
Dispute settlement between Rijnland and Schieland concerning penninggeld collected in Alphen, Hasertswoude, Waddinxveen, and Boskoop concerning a waterway on the west side of the Gouwe that drained via a sluice into the IJssel. |
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1417.08.12 |
Authorization for a culvert with a sluis or gate (scotdoer) to go under the Delft (a canal) so that the peatland between Hillegommerbeek and the Delft can drain into the low peatland. The water above, in the Delft, shall run unhindered toward the Haarlemmermeer, while the culvert underneath shall remain open between sinte Bertijns misse and sinte Pieters misse afterwhich it shall be closed. Similarly each year on 8 May the culvert gate will stand open as well as other times of the year, as long as no one else is damaged by it. And the scout and heemraden of Lisse shall inspect the new dike on the north side of the Delft and the waterschap of the Delft with the new culvert, with those in the peatland benefitting from the culvert bearing the costs of maintenance. Further, the Hillegommerweg which runs along the beek up to the woods (in the dunes?) shall remain closed (i.e., the embankment on which the path lies shall not be breached) so that external water will not flow onto the peatland in question. And the three bridges over the Lisserbeek which belong to Noorwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout shall be removed and not rebuilt as long as that is best for the larger generality. For all of this, the peatlands shall pay morgengeld just like all the other lands of Rijnland. |
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1417.08.12 |
Authorization for a culvert with a sluis or gate (scotdoer) to go under the Delft (a canal) so that the peatland between Hillegommerbeek and the Delft can drain into the low peatland. The water above, in the Delft, shall run unhindered toward the Haarlemmermeer, while the culvert underneath shall remain open between sinte Bertijns misse and sinte Pieters misse afterwhich it shall be closed. Similarly each year on 8 May the culvert gate will stand open as well as other times of the year, as long as no one else is damaged by it. And the scout and heemraden of Lisse shall inspect the new dike on the north side of the Delft and the waterschap of the Delft with the new culvert, with those in the peatland benefitting from the culvert bearing the costs of maintenance. Further, the Hillegommerweg which runs along the beek up to the woods (in the dunes?) shall remain closed (i.e., the embankment on which the path lies shall not be breached) so that external water will not flow onto the peatland in question. And the three bridges over the Lisserbeek which belong to Noorwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout shall be removed and not rebuilt as long as that is best for the larger generality. For all of this, the peatlands shall pay morgengeld just like all the other lands of Rijnland. |
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1421.05.25 |
The seven aldermen of Spaarnwoude promise the heemraad to construct or reconstruct of the zijl or sluice at Goert Jan Florijsz. before Pentecost and to inspect and maintain all canals. |
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1421.05.25 |
Regulates how the scout and local heemraden of Zoeterwoude are to carry out their inspections |
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1429.00.00 |
Permission for Zoetermeer to combine two canals into one. |
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1430.01.07 |
Authorization for Spaarnwoude to build a sluis with associated canal through the dike (Hoge Zeedijk or Spaarndammerdijk) at Hofambacht with various stipulations, including a ban on fishing and a requirement that it be used only to discharge water and not to allow it in from outside. |
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1434.02.03 |
Permission for a canal in Poelien, to be constructed by Florijs van Boschuijsen. |
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1434.02.03 |
Florijs van Boschuijsen declares that he has permission from the dijkgraaf and heemraden to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe. Florijs agrees to maintain it himself according to the requirements specified by the schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen). |
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1434.02.03 |
The dijkgraaf and heemraden of Rijnland and the Schout of Alphen and the heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen) confirm that Florijs van Boschuijsen has permission to restore a canal in Poelien so that the wild peat lands of Waddinxveen can be drained into the Gouwe. |
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1434.10.03 |
A clarification that the wetering that Florijs van Boschuijsen had been authorized to restore earlier in the year is to be inspected by the schout and heemraden of the Alphenerwetering (heemraden from Alphen, Boskoop, Hazarswoude, and Waddinxveen). |
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1435.00.00 |
Regulate how local officials should inspect their roads (dikes) in Alphen. |
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1436.00.00 |
Heemraden instruct the dijkgraaf to block the drainage canal and sluice at Diewer Stientgens that serves Hazerswoude and Benthuizen. |
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1437.05.07 |
Permission to Zoetermeer to build and inspect a canal (maintain to 8 feet wide) above the Groenenwech stretching from the Clootstael westward to the wetering. |
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1437.06.24 |
Orders schout and heemraden of each ambacht to inspect all canals at appointed times to ensure they are kept clean and free to drain; to see to it that residents carry out their duties in this regard. |
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1437.06.25 |
Settlement of dispute between Gerijt van Heemstede, lord of Benthuizen, and Willem Bort concerning a waterway in Hogeveen that had been authorized by a charter from Duke Albrecht. Those who do not contribute their share of maintenance responsibilities shall have their drainage blocked off. |
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1437.09.16 |
Authorized a canal (waterscup) to be used by Schoot and Korteraar running from the Aar to the Oude Aar. |
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1437.12.20 |
Regulate how Hazerswoude should inspect roads and canals. |
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1438.05.06 |
General rule on keeping all ditches and canals clean. |
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1439.06.24 |
Proclaim in all churches: no fishing paraphernalia may be set in any waterways according to the the evidence from the charters and keuren regarding the Oude Rijn. |
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1439.07.06 |
Order construction of a waterway (the Zandsloot) at Katwijk |
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1442.10.02 |
Regulate the construction and maintenance of a new canal and encircling dike at Koudekerk and Oudshoorn. The new construction is to be at the expense of all of Koudekerk except for the Hooge Waard, while its upkeep will be shared by all, including the Hooge Waard. The old dike along the Heymanswetering may be sold off. |
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1443.03.13 |
Permission to take hydraulic measures in Stompwijc as long as they cause no damage to Boudwijn van Zwieten. |
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1443.03.13 |
Declare that the measurements taken at Hazerswoude shall stand as authentic and be recorded in three books. |
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1443.05.19 |
Order the residents of Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout, and Voorhout to repair the sluis doors in the Voorhouterwetering in Sassenheim and Warmond. |
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1443.10.01 |
Municipal officials of Haarlem and Leiden complained in front of the governor of Holland, lord of Lalaing, about Rijnland's attempts to collect levies from the cities despite their charters which they claim exempt them from such payments. Rijnland countered with charters claiming such authority and also referred, at the very end, to a similar case with Amsterdam in which, presumably Rijnland's claims were upheld. |
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1447.00.00 |
Creation of a polder focussed on a drainage canal (waterschap) to be created in Benthuizen, beginning at the Heinlaan and running across to the Gheer then extending between Engbrecht's holding and the windmill holding up to the mill road and then back to the Heinlaan. Those resident in the polder and benefitting from this canal shall maintain it. This polder, with its bridges (9 feet wide) will be inspected by the schout of Benhuizen with 5 heemraden who are resident in the polder. |
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1447.10.03 |
Regulate responsibility for and maintenance of a dike and ditch that ran from the Rijndijk into the ambacht of Wassenaar, with warnings against breaching the dike (presumably for ease of water transport). |
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1448.05.06 |
Permission for Lodewijc van Montfoorde, lord of Hazerswoude, to regulate usage and maintenance of a canal and bridge in Hazerswoude. All who drain through it will pay their share in Rijnlands assessments. |
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1448.05.06 |
The earlier keur to clean all ditches for a length of 50 roeden applies only to those directly connected to the ditches involved until some other regulation is provided. |
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1449.05.06 |
For the schout and heemraden of Oegstgeest to establish an inspection of all roads and canals. |
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1449.05.29 |
Permission for Huge van Berge to put a huel through the Boevesloot. |
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1450.06.30 |
Permission for some residents of Oegstgeest to dig a canal through the Hofbroek, from the sluice in the Hofdijk to the Poel. |
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1450.06.30 |
Schout, heemraden, and community of Benthuizen request permission for a drainage ditch to drain 500 roeden of its meadow lands. Permission was granted. 600 roeden equaled on morgen. |
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1450.06.30 |
Settlement of a dispute between Poelien, Groenswaard, and Snijdelwijk, plaintiffs, against Alphen and Boskoop, defendents, concerning maintenance of the Poelienwatering. The canal, near Gouda, has remained useless and uninspected since the war, and the plaintiffs want the old rules (costumen) to be reinstated and enforced. Alphen, referring to old charters, claimed the right to block outside water from entering their waterschap, but the plaintiffs maintained on the basis of the same charters that according to common law they have a right to drain their land as with all other land within the borders of Rijnland -- plaintiffs, after all, contribute to Rijnland's works. The hoogheemraden sided with the plaintiffs -- latter may drain the area 170 morgen large (measured by Ghijstgen the surveyor, and they must make put an embankment around the upper veen to prevent water from it flowing into the area authorized to drain through the canal in question. |
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1451.10.05 |
Permission for those along the Maredijk and the canal (de Peol?) behind Endegeest (Oegstgeest) to have the dijk and canal apportioned for maintenance work (verhoefslagen) by the schout |
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1452.10.17 |
Permission for Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon to schouw a canal in Zegwaard (runs through middle of the land and empties into another watering near the Hoefweg), with their schouw beginning at the land of Egghert Vranckenszoon to that of Meeuw Pieterszoon |
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1452.10.24 |
A number of people oppose the permission for Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon to inspect and apportion maintenance responsibility for a canal in Zegwaard; the latter two respond that many others support them. |
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1452.10.24 |
Permission for schout and buren of Wassenaar to inspect and apportion maintenance responsibilities (verhoefslagen) on a canal beginning at the Papewech and extended eastwards about 100 roeden. |
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1453.05.08 |
Despite some opposition, Dirc Humanszoon and Olivier Aerntszoon may continue schouw of a canal in Zegwaard. |
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1453.05.08 |
Permission for schout and heemraad of Hazerswoude to inspect and apportion maintenance on its roads and canals 8 or 14 days after publically announcing their intent with a follow up inspection 8 days later to ensure that all required work was completed. |
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1454.05.07 |
Because turf boats have caused extensive dammage to the Barle Canal and its embankment (ran from Oude Rijn along the south side of Diewer Stienkijns to Hogeveen), boats are now prohibited from the canal. |
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1455.05.06 |
Permission for residents of Zegwaard who live along the Dwars Nieuwevaart to construct bridges over the canal so they can do their sowing and planting for 14 days beginning with St. Servaas Day [13 May] and again for 14 days in August beginning on St. Lawrence Day [10 August]. |
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1455.05.06 |
Permission for Pieter van Bossche of Hazerswoude (and bode of Rijnland) to move a kade that runs from the Gelderswoudse brug to the wetering; they prefer it to lie along the wetering. Afterwards, the schout will inspect it like other roads and canals. |
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1455.07.01 |
Permission for those of Benthuizen to put bridge heads 7 feet wide at water level in the Notsloot and two new canals to allow the transfer of cows and hay. |
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1455.10.07 |
Permission for Hazerswoude to dig a canal 9 feet wide from the land of Mees Vranckenszoon to that of Jan Aelwijnszoon and then further along the Ommedijk. Thereafter, the schout shall inspect it like all other roads and canals. |
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1455.10.07 |
Permission to Willem van Leeuwen to contruct two bridge-heads in the canal behind his dwelling in Voorschoten. |
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1456.04.06 |
Permission for Zoeterwoude to construct a dam in the canal that the residents of Stompwijk had made from the Brede weer on the Ommedijk because the residents of Zoeterwoude have suffered from too much water coming through the canal. |
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1457.03.01 |
Permission for Zegwaard to inspect and maintain roads and canals in that same manner as Hazerswoude does. |
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1457.03.01 |
Permission for Benthuizen to inspect and maintain roads and canals in the same manner as Hazerswoude does. Two months later, at the May schouw, this item was crossed out with the mention that from thence onward their own, old manner of schouwen is restored. |
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1458.02.28 |
Permission for a dam in a canal, dug by residents of Stompwijk through Zoeterwoude, to be removed because of the many damaged by it, with the understanding that those damaged by its removal have the right to seek compensation. |
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1458.10.03 |
Order the heemraad's bode to go to Zegwaard to settle the matter of who is responsible for maintaining a certain canal that, according to some, is not being contributed to by the very ones who benefit the most from it. |
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1460.02.26 |
Because of the damage that they can do to low-lying lands, windmills may be established only with the consent of the hoogheemraden, and all windmills already in place must be stopped until approved. |
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1462.02.23 |
Permission for the participants in the Watergang (canal) der Vier Ambachten (Alphen, Waddinxveen, Hazerswoude, and Boskoop) to construct windmills to pump water from their lands into the canal, which drained into the IJssel River. |
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1462.10.09 |
A few months earlier, permission had been granted to residents of the Blocklanden in Benthuizen to dig a new canal on the end of the Blocklanden, beginning on the Gelderswoudse canal through Allart Meeszoons dam and continuing to the road near Benthuizerhorn -- 8 feet wide, with specifications for any bridges, etc. But, because some now opposed it, two heemraden of Rijnland, Jacob van Woude and Jan van Poelgeest, went to have a look. and ordered, in the name of entire college of hoogheemraden, that Allart Meeszoon's dam be raised and provisioned with two hoofden 7 roeden feet apart at the expense of the schout and heemraden of Zegwaard, and the latter shall schouw the canal and road ditch. The old canal belonging to the Blocklanden shall be left un-schouwed. |
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1463.03.01 |
Standardize how schouten and local heemraden are to conduct their business in Rijnland, including inspection procedures, choosing of heemraden, and compensation for expenses. |
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1465.03.12 |
Permission for schout and kroosheemraden of Benthuizen to decide the extent of the schouw (inspections and assignment of maintenance responsibilities) of all the canals and waterways within their ambacht and to do so in such a manner that the entire ambacht will benefit. |
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1469.06.27 |
Permission for Benthuizen to dig a canal 8 feet wide (7 feet wide at bridge heads) beginning near the koster's (sextons's) house and extending to the Hemsloot. Those along the canal are responsible for its upkeep. The schout and heemraden of Benthuizen will schouw (inspect and maintain) it like all other roads and canals in the ambacht. |
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1483.07.15 |
Authorize a canal in Warmond from the deep Lede to the Zijl, 12 feet wide at water's edge, with additional specifications concerning its use and prescribed maintenance work. |